In addition to requirements for notifying TDI of a change in agency name, there are rules governing the selection of a name. These rules were established to prevent agents from using misleading or deceptive names.
No name will be approved if such name states or implies that the agent is:
- an insurance company;
- a motor club;
- an HMO;
- an expert in the area of investments, tax shelters, financial or real estate planning, or computer programming;
- affiliated with or sponsored by a government authority;
- a public interest organization seeking to educate consumers or perform research for the public's benefit;
- in some line of business other than the insurance business; or
- entitled to engage in insurance activities not permitted under the license held.
Certain words and phrases used in agency names will be scrutinized by TDI, and could result in disapproval of the name if these words are used in a deceptive or misleading manner. The words include:
administrator | consultant | federal | plan |
adviser | consumer | financial adviser | referral |
agency | benefit | government | research |
America | broker | group | reserve |
American | cooperative | HMO | savings |
analyst | corporation | incorporated | senior |
assigned risk | counselor | indemnity | service |
associate | compensation | company | social security |
association | consultant | insurer | state |
assurance | consumer | insuror | statewide |
company | co-op | investment | Texas |
benefit | benefit | investor | trust |
broker | corporation | medi- | United States |
bureau | counselor | mortgage | U.S. |
care | county | guarantee | U.S.A. |
city | credit union | national | veteran |
company | department | nationwide | |
compensation | deposit insurance | no fault |