Upon receipt of order, convert Prospect to Customer in agency management system.
Create ID cards, Evidence of Property Insurance, Binders or other items and give to producer for delivery to client and/or lender, bank, additional insured, etc.
Transmit application, payment, and pertinent documents to carrier immediately using company memo.
Create activity created in system and suspense for 30 days for receipt of policy.
Create paper file for permanent records or scan and attach to client e-file.
Send thank you note to customer.
When policy is received from company, either via download or by mail, open customer file and update application by entering policy number.
Review policy against application and system information for accuracy. Items to check include:
Carrier and policy number
Named insured (make sure it is complete)
Description of operations
Type of entity (individual, corporations, LLC, etc.)
Effective and expiration dates
Retroactive date if claims-made policy
Rates and premiums
Minimum earned premium
Minimum premium
Limits of liability (including aggregates, if applicable)