Help Protect Your Livelihood
When you contribute to IMPACT, you are supporting pro-business candidates who are looking out for agents’ interests in the Capitol. Learn more.
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Write a personal check payable to IMPACT & mail it to IIAT, PO Box 684487, Austin, TX,78768-4487
Recommended Donation Levels
Millennium | $5,000 | Silver | $500 |
Platinum | $2,500 | Bronze | $250 |
Gold | $1,000 |
NOTE: IMPACT is prohibited by law from accepting corporate contributions. Investments may be made via personal or partnership check/credit card AND the following business entities may contribute via company check/credit card:
- Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) with no corporate partner members of their LLC,
- Limited Partnerships (LPs) or Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) with no corporate partner members of their LP or LLP,
- Partnerships with no corporate partner members of their Partnership, and
- Sole Proprietorships with no corporate partner members of their Sole Proprietorship.
Contributions to this campaign are not deductible for tax purposes. Consult your tax advisor.
“Legislators can’t possibly know everything about all issues. We have a choice – sit back and watch, or help them make the right decisions. We strive to be a part of the solution instead.“Mickie Comiskey, CIC, COO, Focus Insurance & Financial Services
“Over the years I have seen how vital IMPACT is to all of us in the Texas insurance industry. From minor to major legislation, IIAT has our backs. Everyone needs to contribute, even a small amount.“Frank Swingle, Founder & CEO, Swingle Collins & Associates
Key Legislative Issues
Learn about the important issues we’re working on at the Capitol.
IMPACT Regional Vice Presidents
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IMPACT Regions Map
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IMPACT Brochure
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