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Reminder: Renew ACORD Forms License

A major benefit the Big "I" provides member agencies with less than $50 million in annual property-casualty revenue is covering the annual ACORD Forms license fee.

Obtaining this license through ACORD is an annual renewal. Starting Jan. 1, 2021, agencies will need to complete the ACORD Forms license renewal.

The Big “I" ACORD License FAQ page covers everything you need to know. For information on obtaining a complimentary license, see FAQ 5:

Agency Workflow Impacts

5) How does this affect my current agency workflow?

After January 1, agents may be directed by their management system provider to navigate to the ACORD Forms License website ( Agents will then need to register as a site visitor (if they are not already registered) and use a very short process to validate they are a covered Big "I" agent. Once that is completed, the agency rep goes back into your management system workflow to begin accessing forms.

NOTE: This initial validation to obtain a license will need to be done once after January 1, and then annually.

IN ADDITION, Big "I" general counsel has obtained the End User License and has negotiated changes with ACORD in order to be most balanced and fair to agent members.

New Benefit

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