Your engagement makes us stronger.
Whether you choose to get involved to gain leadership opportunities, network with peers, increase your company’s exposure, or give back to the profession, you’ll find a meaningful way to participate in IIAT.
Attend Events
Connect with peers and insurance industry service providers at IIAT’s annual events. Each year, some of the top experts in the industry speak at our events.
Carriers, Connect with Agents
Are you an associate member? Don’t miss the chance to connect with hundreds of agents at one of our annual events.
Connect with Members
Connect with members and ask a question on the Member Community Board.
Join ELITExas (Young Agents)
IIAT’s young professionals group’s mission is to strengthen the future of the insurance industry. Find out how you can be a part of this exclusive group.
Sponsor an IIAT Program or Event
Find out how your company can stand out at IIAT’s events and educational programs.
Connect with your Local Association
Get information about Texas's local associations and view their upcoming events.
Donate to a Good Cause
Assist independent agents in need by donating to the Trusted Choice Disaster Relief Fund or help protect the industry by contributing to IMPACT, IIAT’s Political Action Committee.
Be a Volunteer Leader
IIAT is always looking for new volunteer leaders for our boards and committees. Learn more and and see current volunteer leaders.
Join the Grassroots Program
You know the insurance business as well as anyone. Serve as a key contact to both Texas and national legislators.