Capitol Inside, a prominent news source on state politics in Texas, has once again recognized IIAT among the top trade association lobbyists in Texas.
The insurance industry is under constant scrutiny from legislators and regulators. IIAT’s respected and streamlined lobbying efforts, led by IIAT’s Governmental Affairs Team of Lee Loftis and Jill Douglas, help prevent harmful bills from becoming law and promote policies that will help our industry thrive. Input from members and IIAT’s more than 120 years of experience continue to produce legislative success.
“Because of our members’ support and commitment to IMPACT, we have been able to continue to protect Independent Insurance Agents and their clients’ interests at the Capitol. It is nice to be recognized and especially nice that only one other P&C insurance groups made the list,” said IIAT’s Director of Governmental Affairs Lee Loftis.
“Legislators can’t possibly know everything about all issues. We have a choice – sit back and watch, or help them make the right decisions. We strive to be a part of the solution instead.“Mickie Comiskey, CIC, COO, Focus Insurance & Financial Services