Thank You for Making an IMPACT!
2024 IMPACT Donation Leaders
$15,000 Bill Henry, Marsh & McLennan Agency
$5,000: Ben Patterson, Patterson & Associates Insurance Agency
$5,000: Dalton Chester, Transportation Insurance Services, Inc.
$5,000: Joah Andrajack, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
$5,000: Rusty Reid, Higginbotham Insurance Agency, Inc.
$5,000: Scott West, Pathfinder/LL&D Insurance Group, LLC
$3,100: Christy Ross, C A Ross Insurance Agency
$3,000: Don Whitaker, Whitaker Insurance Associates, Inc.
$3,000: Doug Hotchkiss, Hotchkiss Insurance Agency
$2,750: Jason Rollo, Rollo Insurance Group
$2,500: David B. Carroll, Carroll Insurance Agency, Ltd.
$2,500: David "Woody" Wood, InSource Insurance Group – A Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC Company
$2,500: Don Margo, HUB International Insurance Services
$2,500: Garry Kaufman, Galveston Insurance Associates
$2,500: Greg Hotchkiss, Hotchkiss Insurance Agency
$2,500: John D. Marek, K&S Insurance
$2,500: Ken Hotchkiss, Hotchkiss Insurance Agency, LLC
$2,500: Lloyd Eisenrich, Weatherby-Eisenrich Insurance
$2,500: Marit Peters, IIAT
$2,500: Mark Bridges, INSURICA
$2,500: Mike Hotchkiss, Hotchkiss Insurance Agency, LLC
$2,500: Robert Nitsche, The Nitsche Group
$2,500: Rod Medlin, Scarbrough, Medlin & Associates, Inc.
$2,500: Rodney Watkins, IAAT
$2,500: Terry Morgan, Morgan Insurance Agency
$2,500: Travis McDavid, GSM Insurors
$2,500: Tommy Dies, Bryan Insurance
$2,500: Tony Fierro, K&S Insurance
$2,500: Tyler Spears, BKCW, LP
$2,000: Gaylon Brown, TexCap Insurance
$2,000: Drew Brown, TexCap Insurance
$2,000: Gene Darnell, Dean & Draper
$2,000: Jared Pitts, Galveston Insurance Associates
$2,000: Kyle Dean, Dean & Draper Insurance Agency, LP
$2,000: Landon Hertel, Hertel Insurors Group, LLP
$2,000: Michael Tatum, Heritage Risk Management, an Alera Group Agency
$2,000: Mike Bass, TexCap Insurance
$2,000: Nathan Sawyer, Sawyer & Associates Insurance Agency
$2,000: Stephen Smith, Dean Draper Insurance Agency, LP
2023 IMPACT Donation Leaders
$15,000: Bill Henry, Marsh & McLennan Agency
$9,366.52: IIAH PAC to PAC Donation
$5,000: Ben Patterson, Patterson & Assoc. Insurance Agency
$5,000: Dalton Chester, Transportation Insurance Services
$5,000: David “Woody” Wood, InSource Insurance Group
$5,000: Josh Andrajack, Gallagher Insurance
$5,000: Scott West, Pathfinder/LL&D Insurance Group
$3,000: Don Whitaker, Whitaker Insurance Associates
$3,000: Doug Hotchkiss, Hotchkiss Insurance Agency
$3,000: Gaylon Brown, TexCap Insurance
$2,500: Bob Shepard (retired), Shepard Walton King Insurance
$2,500: Garry Kaufmann, Galveston Insurance Associates
$2,500: Ken Hotchkiss, Hotchkiss Insurance Agency
$2,500: John Marek, K&S Insurance
$2,500: Michael Tatum, Alera Group
$2,500: Mike Hotchkiss, Hotchkiss Insurance Agency
$2,500: Robert Nitsche, The Nitsche Group
$2,500: Rodney Watkins, IAAT
$2,500: Tony Fierro, K&S Insurance
$2,500: Travis McDavid, GSM Insurors
$2,000: Gene Darnell, Dean & Draper Insurance Agency
$2,000: Kyle Dean, Dean & Draper Insurance Agency
$2,000: Marit Peters, Independent Insurance Agents of Texas
$2,000: Patrick Watkins, Watkins Insurance Group
$2,000: Stephen Smith, Dean & Draper Insurance Agency
$2,000: Terry Morgan, Morgan Insurance Agency
“The success of our members goes hand in hand with the success of IIAT’s legislative efforts - good laws on the books, coupled with a friendly regulatory environment, make that possible. Giving to IMPACT puts IIAT’s government affairs team in a position to help pro-business candidates get elected so we can maintain both.“William J. Crocker, CLCS, Vice President, Alliant Americas